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Climate Stars
This page started life as a way to recognise the donors who have kindly given to Climate Shop but we are now receiving so many donations that we simply no longer have the time to individually acknowledge this brilliant support. Thanks so much to all of you but we are now just recording the total cash raised each month, the total number of trees funded and the rough number of items diverted from landfill.
- 230,000 new trees funded and 23,000 items saved from landfill so far -

May '21 Community donated goods sold in the shop for £4,833 to plant 24165 trees
April '21 Community donated goods sold in the shop for £1791 to plant 8955 trees
April '21 Community donated goods sold in the shop for £1770 to plant 8850 trees
April '21 Community donated goods sold in the shop for £935 to plant 4635 trees
..............Climate Shop opens in Lampeter, West Wales 12th April........................
April '21 Andy gave tools, some of which sold for £40 to plant 200 trees
April '21 George and Judy donated £1,000 to plant 5,000 trees
April '21 Janie donated £500 to plant 2,500 trees
March '21 Community donated goods sold in the shop for £196 to plant 980 trees
March '21 Maureen donated £200 to plant 1000 trees
March '21 Inge and Wolfgang gave £60 to plant 300 trees for Marcellus
March '21 Alison, Ken and Sam gave £20 to plant 100 trees for Marcellus
March '21 Charmaine's daughter sold clothes online for £35 to plant 175 trees
March '21 Bethan donated £30 to plant 150 trees for Marcellus
March '21 Chris gave 2 cars that sold for £388 profit to plant 1940 trees
March '21 Riina donated £50 to plant 250 trees for Marcellus
March '21 Andy gave a cupboard etc. that sold to Aeron/Olivia for £19 (85 trees)
March '21 Rickie donated some scrap lead that sold for £23 to plant 115 trees
March '21 Donated bags + jug sold to Katarina and Nigel for £9 to plant 45 trees
March '21 Dilwyn donated vases that sold to Charlie for £18 to plant 90 trees
March '21 Jack donated £70 to plant 350 trees
March '21 Community donated goods sold in the shop for £26 to plant 130 trees
February '21 Ros and Toby donated a bike that sold for £30 to plant 150 trees
February '21 Suzanne donated £25 to plant 125 trees
February '21 Angie & Tim donated site lights that sold for £40 to plant 200 trees
February '21 Angie and Tim donated a tejine that sold for £10 to plant 50 trees
January '21 Francois donated £20 to plant 100 trees
December '20 Molly donated £20 to plant 100 trees
December '20 Milly gave a petrol tank that sold for £10 to plant 50 trees
October '20 Monica gave an armchair that sold for £25 to plant 125 trees
October '20 Madi donated £5 to plant 25 trees
October '20 Geoff gave some fibreglass that sold for £10 to plant 50 trees
October '20 Dolly gave a guitar that sold for £30 to plant 150 trees
October '20 Andy gave some electrical sockets that sold for £15 to plant 75 trees
October '20 Francois sold 2 watches for £30 to plant 150 trees
October '20 A supporter gave LPs and tools that sold for £15 to plant 75 trees
October '20 Dolly gave a guitar that sold for £200 to plant 1000 trees
September '20 Two kind supporters donated £325 to plant 1625 trees
September '20 Monica gave a sofa that sold for £100 to plant 500 trees
September '20 Dolly gave a guitar that sold for £150 to plant 750 trees
September '20 Stan gave some foam boards that sold for £20 to plant 100 trees
September '20 Rhod gave a gas cooker that sold for £60 to plant 300 trees
September '20 Stan gave a chest of drawers that sold for £10 to plant 50 trees
September '20 Sarah gave an old drill press that sold for £20 to plant 100 trees
September '20 Stan gave a bed that sold for £50 to plant 250 trees
September '20 Monica gave a reclining chair that sold for £40 to plant 200 trees
September '20 Monica gave a cooker that sold for £160 to plant 800 trees
September '20 Monica gave a chaise longue that sold for £70 to plant 350 trees
September '20 Milly donated a microwave that sold for £10 to plant 50 trees
September '20 Dolly gave a unicycle that sold for £60 to plant 300 trees
September '20 Dolly gave some roller blades that sold for £20 to plant 100 trees
September '20 Milly donated an engine that sold for £100 to plant 500 trees
September '20 Suzanne Marie gave a sofa that sold for £125 to plant 625 trees
September '20 Stan donated some sealant that sold for £10 to plant 50 trees
September '20 Milly donated a jacket that sold for £50 to plant 250 trees
September '20 Steve donated a print that sold for £20 to plant 100 trees
August '20 Steve sold an industrial fan for £80 to plant 400 trees
August '20 Maggie donated a dresser that sold for £100 to plant 500 trees
August '20 Jack donated £10 to plant 50 trees
August '20 Rachel donated a wardrobe that sold for £20 to plant 100 trees
August '20 Paul donated a drill that sold for £10 to plant 50 trees
August '20 Liza donated a dinghy that sold for £10 to plant 50 trees
August '20 Patrice bought a microwave for £12 to plant 60 trees
August '20 Milly donated a tractor seat that sold for £15 to plant 75 trees
August '20 Paul donated a clothes rack that sold for £15 to plant 75 trees
August '20 Milly donated a gas hob that sold for £15 to plant 75 trees
August '20 Milly donated a jacket that sold for £25 to plant 125 trees
August '20 Stella donated £20 to plant 100 trees
August '20 Liza donated a kid's quad for £25 to plant 125 trees
August '20 Seymour bought a screwdriver for £25 to plant 125 trees
August '20 Sarah bought a coffee table for £40 to plant 200 trees
July '20 Riina sold 1 chandelier for £10 to plant 50 trees
July '20 Roger donated £20 to plant 100 trees
July '20 Luke sold some antiques for £10 to plant 50 trees
July '20 Luke sold some more antiques for £10 to plant 50 trees
July '20 Francois donated £12 to plant 60 trees
July '20 Kevin donated £20 to plant 100 trees
July '20 Riina sold 1 chandelier for £10 to plant 50 trees
July '20 Riina sold 2 chandeliers for £20 to plant 100 trees
July '20 John donated £20 to plant 100 trees
July '20 Gaynor donated £10 to plant 50 trees
July '20 Riina donated £10 to plant 50 trees
July '20. Liza donated £20 to plant 100 trees
July '20. Zak donated £13 to plant 65 trees
July '20. Steve sold an oil heater for £10 to plant 50 trees
July '20. Monica donated £10 to plant 50 trees
July '20. Maggie donated a sofa bed that sold for £20 to plant 100 trees
July '20. Luke donated £20 to plant 100 trees
July '20. Jack sold some old tools for £10 to plant 50 trees
July '20. Zak sold some clothes for £10 to plant 50 trees
June '20. Milly sold a scooter for £250 to plant 1250 trees
June '20. Janie donated £100 to plant 500 trees
June '20. Cy donated £120 to plant 600 trees
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